Friday, February 5, 2010

Buyer Beware of "Green" Paint!!!

Walking through the paint department at my local hardware store, everywhere I looked was the color green, and I'm not talking sage or mint! It's the latest marketing campaign painting manufacturers have initiated in an attempt to increase their market share and build a new customer base, gain trust and loyalty, and ultimately to put your dollar in their can. As I strolled through the sea of signage that screamed,"100% non toxic safer paint products", my father's voice kept playing like a stuck record in my ears. He would say, "if it seems too good to be true, then it probably is." And just like that I was on a quest to find some answers. What I discovered wouldn't suprise dear old dad. It seems that "green" paint is measured by the VOC levels in the chemical makeup of the paint. As my research moved forward, I learned according to the EPA, VOC's or Volitile Organic Compounds have been found to cause the breakdown of our ozone layer and contribute to respiratory illness and loss of memory. Initially, this discovery made lowering customer exposure to VOC's without comprimising the quality craftsmanship Sure Color Painting guarantees a top priority of my company. As I set out on a quest to find the perfect green paint, I made an alarming discovery. VOC's are measured only in the base paint and are not measured in the tint. As a matter of fact, because of the formularies of different colors, there is no accurate way to measure VOC levels in any mixed paint. Further, according to a recent Consumer Reports test, the highest rated paints also contained the highest levels of VOC's as could best be measured by Consumer Reports. After my weeks of research, I once again have come to the conclusion that father knows best. For more information regarding VOC levels and paint performance, pick up the most recent Consumer Reports issue.

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