Wednesday, June 15, 2011

365 Day Commitment

It's the craziest thing....this fast paced world of information we live in; everything seems to go by so quickly. I find myself more often than not feeling like I get just a little bit overwhelmed with so much information constantly slamming into my head. Between facebook and twitter and CNBC and TMZ and HLN and...there's just so much to take in all of the time, so much to keep up with. I'm only 42, but like my grandma...I can't help but long for "the good ol' days" when life seemed to be so much simpler. It's funny almost to think of the '70's and '80's as the "good 'ol days"....When I was a kid, growing up in sunny South Florida, I lived in the house on the middle of the block, the "All American Family" if you will. There were not cell phones or internet...didn't even have cable tv until I was in middle school or something crazy like that. As a kid, we played outside, swam in the pool, had a bbq every weekend with the 'rents and the neighbors...I would say had a pretty great childhood actually, nothing extravagant, nothing really. But we were in our own little world...just our little bubble, my parents and my little brother and close friends and family. And here I find myself almost lost in a tornado of events that has become my life, this tornado at times as defined my life even. Yes, it's been a rocky road at times with a list of experiences that I think only a soap opera could do justice to and somehow along the way I've grown into a middle aged woman who is on the verge of empty nest syndrome that feels lost in the age of information. And although it's been rocky at times, my life has been filled with love and laughter and for that I am blessed. The cast of characters in my life are plenty and colorful. What a shame it would be to not share what I've learned through it all...offer what I can bring to the table, should anyone want to partake. My thought is to write it all down..even if it is just for my children to know that I'm more than just their mom, or at least I think that I am. I guess I'd like to take this opportunity to stop, refocus...reflect....and just exhale. I just wish sometimes that the world would take a minute...just a stop and refocus too. And as I wish for the impossible, one of the many lessons in life that I've learned from my mom is ringing in my ear...."If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." So here's my 365 day commitment: I am going to use this blog every single day for one year to pen my thoughts as I travel thru this last year my youngest child is home with me. Hopefully in 365 posts, at least one will contain something insightful for her to take with her on her graduation day next June....hopefully.

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