Sunday, June 19, 2011


Seven am Sunday morning and I should be sleeping, but again I lay awake thinking of all of those things I have to do. I missed writing yesterday, so much for that 365 day commitment thing. And so it goes, another lesson ringing in my ears in the form of two of those sentences dad would say so many times that I just didn't get until my grown up days; "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today" and "if you fall off the horse, get back on and ride again." Obviously I haven't yet mastered the former, but Ive got the latter down pretty good since I have fallen off of that horse so very many times. It's that don't put off until tomorrow one that has continually given me a little trouble throughtout my life.

My daughter is at Cedar Point this weekend with a friend and their family. I get a text message from her mid day telling me she's so excited about this parasailing adventure she's about to experience. I wasn't quite certain how I felt about that, I mean the thought of my daughter tethered to a 1000 foot rope being pulled by a speed boat was a little unnerving, but at the same time I was thrilled to hear that she would have the opportunity to do something that I had always wanted to do but just didn't have the nerve. It just seems like there are so many things on my bucket list that haven't been checked off yet. I'm not sure if everyone has such a list, but just in case anyone's interested mine includes visiting Italy, sitting front row at a Bon Jovi concert, being at a red carpet event, taking a 2 week cruise, and parasailing. When she texted me at the conclusion of her excursion, I was so very excited to hear from her and she told me it was an extraordinarily beautiful experience and that she of course wanted to do it again. I imagined the feeling she had was unmatchable as she looked down over the lake and was able to see the world below her, wind in her hair, and that beautiful smile of hers plastered across her face as she flew through the air. At the same time in true mom form, I was so very relieved that she made it thru the trip safe and sound. It's quite representative of where she and I are at in our lives right now. Katy with so much to look forward to, the world at her feet, wind in her hair as she experiences it and myself looking on praying that she made it thru whatever it is that she's doing safe and sound with nothing but good stories to tell.

I started composing this at 7am and got a little distracted with a nap, and a customer and some Father's Day activities. Speaking of Father's Day, I hope all my friends and family have enjoyed their day with their familes, (or without them, whichever makes them happy)....I just called mine to wish him a happy. See, for those of you who are unaware, my father is an over the road semi truck driver and during the week he's on the road and then comes home usually on the weekends. When I called him today, he did not disappoint with yet another life lesson. I wonder sometimes if he is like a day is he just gonna dry up and not have any more lessons to offer up? Naw, .... what am I dad will always have something to offer up.

Anyway, today's lesson came in the form of annoyance. See he answered the telephone when I called with a loud "hello?" I told him Happy Father's Day and he gave me a boisterous "thank you" and then proceeded to tell me he was in Wisconsin listening to the "Idiots" (his words not mine) on the cb radio. He said, "I just don't understand, I listen to these guys complain and gripe that they don't make enough money driving a truck. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I asked them if they didn't want to make a small wage, then why the hell did they quit the fourth grade?" I chuckled a little bit and he said, "Everybody in this country has the same opportunity. You make your life what you want it to be. If you want to be a doctor, drive a nice car and have nice things then pick up a book. If you're happy digging a ditch then more power to you, who am I to judge? But don't complain about the ramifications of the decisions that only you have made." And with that he said he loved me and he hoped I had a good night. The whole conversation lasted two minutes and forty seconds but wow, can that man pack a lot to think about in less than five minutes.

To all the fathers out there that have told their daughters to "get back on the horse", "don't put off until tomorrow", "make your life what you want it to be", "do what makes you happy", "take responsibility for your decisions", and "I love you".....I hope that you've had a great and very Happy Father's Day!!!

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